Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Week of Gratitude

Sometimes I have to stop and breathe and look around me and thank God for all the amazing and incredible things in my life. This week, in particular, I'd like to take some time to think about my blessings.

Today, I am thankful that we have such a loving extended family. My children have four grandparents who love them to pieces, spoil them rotten and take care of us as well. We can always count on someone to be able to babysit out kids when we need a break, buy them pajamas when their little ankles hang out the ends, and cook us the best foods so I don't have to.


Anonymous said...

Your a lucky lady! I need to post my thanks this week too!

Misty said...

sounds like you guys are such a lucky family!

frannie said...

I'm also doing "thankful" posts this week.

you are very lucky, indeed

Hillary Steiner said...

I try to do this every so often too.
You can never be too thankful for support and love that surrounds you