Thursday, October 30, 2008

Let the Record Show

Let the record show that on this day, the 30th of October, in the year 2008...

at approximately 10:30 am...

Sarah G. Jenkins allowed her mother...

to brush her hair and put it in pigtails...

without whining or crying or fussing...

and she left her hair alone for at least 3 hours.

The End.


Christina said...

It's a day that will go down in history!! She looks pretty darn happy about it, too - hopefully this is the start of a new trend! She looks unbelievably cute in that dress and polka dot tights. Great shots!

Katie's Mom said...

So adorable! If only my daughter had enough hair for pig tails....

Swistle said...

It seems as if we ought to mark it as an official holiday or something. Ponytail Day or something.