Wednesday, December 03, 2008


The lack of posting has been due mostly to laziness. I was doing really well posting every day for November until one day I forgot. Then, once I forgot once it was really hard to get back into it.

And every time I went to post, I didn't have any photos to add since I have so many just sitting on my hard drive taking up space waiting to be edited or deleted.

And now this week I've been sick and actually stayed away from the computer - I know, I really didn't feel well.

And now we're having bunches of company this weekend and my illness and subsequent spousal illness has brought all preparations to a halt.

But - my Christmas Tree on Facebook has some ornaments now, so there are some successes around here.

Here are my adorable children during a field trip to the Air and Space museum, which I took them to by myself after being dropped off, so there was no possible early escape in the event of a meltdown. We had a great time. And four year old boy + big airplanes = AWESOME.

Jack can now read the word, "Lockheed." Once we studied it on this very first airplane, he could read it on any other sign in the place. He will also tell you that this Black bird is his favorite.

The barrettes in her hair? Stayed in during this very first exhibit, then they were ripped out with a handful of hair and stuffed in my pocket.

One of the highlights for Jack was these cases of model planes. At the first one he had me read the names of every plane in the case, all thirty or so of them. He also would like me to know he would love to have some of these to play with at home.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Sounds like you've had a lot going on for sure! I hope you're better soon. Your little Bear and Lamb sure are adorable!