To break up the monotony of a chilly Monday at home, the kiddos and I went for a long, slow walk around town. We walked up and down allies, we stopped in a shop, we played on the playground and I shot pictures here and there of all things autumnal.
And then I drug my kicking, screaming, crying, yelling, thrashing son out of the street, across another, over the fence and through our backyard.
Click over to Picture This for more of today's Best Shots.
love the second shot!!
Great photos. I love the second shot. He looks like he's just moseying along.
what a great morning. Well, excpet for the kicking & screaming part, to which I can really relate! Love the second picture. Your DOF is awesome.
Great but I too love the bottom one. It's fantastic.
The colors in those shots is fantastic!
Beautiful pictures...
Sorry the walk was more eventful then planned - lol.
great pics of the kiddos; i'll be sure to check out your autmnal (great word!) photos on flickr. i'm thinking my kids & i need one of those chilly autumn day walks tomorrow morning after elmo.
Well of course Mum, look how he's lovin that walk!!!! :-D
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