Monday, November 05, 2007

Today's Best Shot

It was a quiet weekend for my camera with all the snot and eye goo flowing around here. (And aren't you all glad I'm not documenting that photographically?) But my boy is changing before my eyes. It just amazes me sometimes how I can look in his face and catch a glimpse of the boy and the man he will become.

Tracey has some adorable halloween pictures today, and many other best shots!


Blueberry said...

he IS looking awfully grown up! don't you wish you could just tell them to slow down for a little while. :)

chaoticfamily said...

We have had a few snotty days too... :(

Your boy is so handsome. You must be very proud.

Arizaphale said...

You're right, I can see that boy man in his face in that photo and wow is he goodlooking!!