Thursday, January 03, 2008

Pretty in Purple & Pigtails

Theme Thursday: Color

Can so-cute-I-can-hardly-stand-it be considered a color?

(I just had to include this one!)

Click over for more takes on today's theme: color. Stacy is hosting at The Land of K.A.


Dawn said...

Awww. She is a doll!!! That is the color of cuteness, indeed. :)

Anonymous said...

BAH! LOVE IT! She's ADORABLE, even when she's crying! Makes it a tad difficult to be mad at her when (if) she's naughty, eh?

Melissa Stover said...

purple has never looked so cute.

Christina said...

oh goodness is she adorable! With every picture, I found myself thinking "this is the best one!"

Stacy said...

She is adorable...what a little cutie!

I sent you an e-mail on why your comment didn't show sorry! I will have to be better at scanning my spam so I don't delete real comments. It must have been my tired eyes yesterday...