Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Slow Tuesday

Ahh, Tuesday. The tiredest day of the week for me. I know I've mentioned this before, but I love Mondays. I am productive on Mondays and then I pay for it on Tuesday. I am sluggish and drained and I look around me and say, "I have to clean all this--AGAIN? You all have to be fed breakfast, lunch and dinner--AGAIN? You need clean clothes--AGAIN?" Boy, I've really gotten the hang of this mom thing, huh?

Anyway, I do not have a photo for Best Shot Monday, but Tracey has a whole bunch so go click there anyway.

But I did do this yesterday:

Yes, friends, that is a pile of clearance Target merchandise for which I paid...
Nine Dollars!
Yep, for the whole bunch of it. (Swistle, you'll be so proud)


Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

I have those same pink and white onesie shirts for Zoe. LOVE them. They are such great stretchy material.

Stacy said...

Great deal! I love perusing the end of season clearance stuff and buying ahead for the next winter/summer. You can save a lot that way.

Swistle said...

The sight of those red-orange rectangle stickers gives my heart a happy lurch.