Monday, February 04, 2008

Monday's Gifts

For Best Shot Monday, Tracey's title is "Monday's Gifts" and it is so appropriate for my photos today. I share a lot of photos of my Sarah, but really, I am in awe of this little beauty every time I look at her. As she approaches two, I am seeing new things in her that I didn't see before. She has always, always been a precious, amazing baby. But sometimes I was overwhelmed with the lack of sleep and the constant whining and the dragging of everyday with two young babies and I didn't always slow down and look at the beautiful, lovely, incredible person who was emerging before me.

Today when I look at my daughter, I see such personality. She is a girl who loves to wear pretty shoes and pink tights and dresses and say, "Daddy, yook, preeetty!" She will let Mommy fix her hair in pigtails as long as we use pink hair bands. She loves a good nightgown, and takes care of her baby dolls, always taking them "shopp-eeeng." She has a ridiculous sense of humor and is downright silly. She can hold her own in a disagreement with such conviction, such passion and determination. She believes in herself so truly and wholly and knows that what she thinks is the only option merely because she believes it.

My daughter.


Anonymous said...

Yes, she is a gift. I love the light in these photos.

Sara said...

she's so beautifuL!

Anonymous said...

Stellar shots of a completely adorable girlie!


Kyla said...

What a doll!

Anonymous said...

J- she is getting soooooo big! and her hair so long! I love it, but where has the time gone??? I still can;t get over the fact that Abbie is 2 now!

Meg said...

So cute! Missed you guys last night... ONE of these days we'll get our families together! Thanks for the blog connection! :)

kim said...

Some great pictures. She seems to be growing up so fast.

Megan said...

those are cute shots that really seem to capture her!

natalie said...

A gift indeed...a sweet, sweet gift.

Cindy said...

What a love...she is just cute as can be! You're right, she's a gift!

Christina said...

You made me tear up a little! What a sweet tribute to your lively little Sarah! Our girls truly are the greatest of gifts aren't they?!

Maggie said...

She is such a doll - great shots of her!

Dawn said...

I've gotta tell you, those shots remind me of the "young Bridget" they show at the end of BJ's Diary - and I mean that as a compliment. Full of spunk and life. She's very sweet.

Rose said...

What a wonderful tribute and lovely photos. My favorite is the second shot. The light and her hair is so perfect.

jenny said...

she is adorable! great post!

tracey clark said...

These are as sweet as can be.