In the just-after-birthday-and-Easter slow down, we've spent the last couple of days sorting through all the presents, candy, wrapping paper and plastic eggs. (Oh the eggs, I have got to put them away!) One of the things that helped us deal with the grump of an anticlimactic Monday is Sarah's new Elefun game. Basically it's an elephant with a fan that blows nylon butterflies out through the trunk and you catch the butterflies with a net. Two is the perfect age for this toy. And with Jack there to help, they can just about run the whole thing themselves.

What does an elephant say?

I've never seen Elefun before...but anything that brings such joy to grumpy little faces is a winner in my book. :o)
I've heard negatives and positives about that toy. It looks like it could be fun, but I was hesitant to buy it. Looks like they are enjoying it though!
Oh I love it! I have often wodered about that game and if Abbie would like it. We may have to give it at try! The kids are getting so big!
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