Who will give you a bath? Mama. Who will put you to bed? Mama. Who will you scream at while kicking and flailing on the floor? Mama. And as this little Mommy-clone grows up, she has learned the power of manipulation. The power of sticking it to Daddy that he is not The Preferred Parent. Making it obnoxiously clear by pushing away Daddy's kisses, refusing his affections, and teasing, "No, Mommy!" at every opportunity.

There has been a change in our household, a shift in the placement of one little girl's attention. Maybe it's because of Daddy's extra efforts, maybe it's because she's realizing that being mean isn't paying off, maybe it's because Mom's not so exciting anymore. But Daddy has lately become the object of Sarah's affections. She sat in his lap and told him a 20 minute long story about touching the radio at an Easter party. She sits in the bathroom with him on her little potty, singing and reading books. She asks Daddy to come play dollhouse with her.

And he couldn't be happier with this new found friendship.

Theme Thursday: Change; click over to The Land of K.A.
Also, it's Love Thursday at Shutter Sisters; click to share the love.
very cute pics-- i love it when they start glomming on to dad -- gives us a break!
Nadia's always been a mama's girl too - except for a few brief periods of Daddy Love, which leave me feeling both hurt & relieved for the break. She always comes back, tho. :o)
Very sweet pictures of Daddy's girl!
She is adorable! Very lovely photos..
So cute! What great shots of them together!
What a precious relationship! Sweet photos!
It is so cool to watch them develop a relationship with their dad!
Emma has started showing a preference for Jason too. One the one hand, that's great! For so long she always went to me and didnt seem that interested in him. But on the other hand, she doesnt want me to rock with her at night or put her to bed.
I'm really glad she's preferring him right now though because very very soon the new baby will be here and, let's face it, I'll have less time/attention to give to her.
My daughter was the same way and has just recently (at 4) become more of a daddy's girl. So tell your husband, it could have been worse.... he might have had to wait another year or so....
Dad's are so important and I love to hear when Dad's take advantage and understand that.
Yah for Daddys! Happy Love Thursday!
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