Wednesday, August 20, 2008


What do you do when your two year old refuses to wear diapers, declaring that they are for babies, yet refuses to put on panties or sit on the potty and thinks that peeing is actually just making the noise with her mouth as she hovers above the potty?


Swistle said...

Hee! I have a 3-year-old who's doing that, but 3 is so much easier because they understand "either/or" a little better.

Angie said...

mmmmm... I'm voting on duct taping the diaper on like you did for Jack when he was little :) Ok, so that's not going to work... But a really great website to post Q's like this on is

Katie's Mom said...

this may sound crazy, but K was uninterested for the longest time. We started watching the this potty video and reading the book that went with it and a week or so later, it was like she woke up one day and just decided she was going use the potty. She's had two accidents since. Could be coincidence, but worth a try maybe?

Christina said...

The answer for us was princess panties. As of last week, she potty trained herself overnight (see yesterday's post!). Before that, a lot of frustration. Now I'm wondering - how do you get her to poop on the potty chair?

Mommy Daisy said...

That cracks me up. My two year old thinks peeing on the potty is only a sound too. :D But he WANTS to wear diapers most of the time. IN everything else he doesn't want to be a baby, but he'll put a diaper on. Grr.